
The Cubieboard does not require special testing under normal circumstances. But there are some cable connections to be made which are required for a reliable function of your Openvario.

Cubieboard 2A20 (top view)

Test Points Cubieboard (Connected to Adapterboard via 2 "Cubieconnects")

Test Point Description Nominal Value Measured Remarks
CT1 CUBIE RX LOGIC 3.3 V Required for Debugging, connected to AT8, accessible from outside near RB4
CT2 CUBIE TX LOGIC 3.3 V Required for Debugging, connected to AT8, accessible from outside near RB4
CT3 CUBIE HP TRIANGULAR Headphone Output for Audio-Vario, connected to Sensorboard ST6. Volume Control is made using alsamixer

Cubieboard 2A20 (bottom view) with twisted power supply cable ↔ DC-DC-converter output.

Test Point Description Nominal Value Measured Remarks
CB1 CUBIE 5V 5 V DC Main Power Supply from DC-DC-Converter DT2
GND CUBIE GND 0 V Ground, connected to DC-DC-Converter GND

Continue testing the Adapterboard

Continue testing the RJ45-Board

Continue testing the Sensorboard

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